There is no doubt that this has been the most challenging period of time for a whole generation.  It has affected our lives in so many ways and just thinking back to this time last year, we could never really have predicted what state the world would have been placed in within 12 months.   For me, this has meant altering a number of routines; including how I work as I've moved from office to home working.  Although it's taken the stress out of things in terms of commuting by train, it has altered the way I communicate and utilise technology.  

I was reminded the other day that it has been six months since the initial lockdown restrictions were announced.  Now this has brought on so many different challenges for people right across the world and thinking back to when these restrictions were announced, it was difficult to contemplate how things would develop.  

In recognising the challenges, it is clear that the way we communicate has  altered to enable people to stay in touch.  Social media and platforms such as zoom have played a crucial part in facilitating this and it's been really interesting to see how these have developed.  Isolation is such a huge concern and having access to the means of keeping in touch with each other is really important.   

How have you managed during this period of time?  How has technology impacted on your life and how are you using it differently to the way you were before?  Did you use social media previously?  If not, to what extent has it now enhanced your life?  Are you invilved in online social and/or interest groups?  Do you feel more in touch with people this way or do you  prefer to be with others in person?  

For me, I like using technology to chat with others and to be involved in groups.  I've always found socialising in groups in person to be sometimes fairly isolating, but the use of technology has taken away that barrier for me.  I know, however, that this is certainly not the same for everyone and speaking with others, the loss of meeting friends face to face has really brought on a huge sense of isolation.  

I would love to hear from you and invite you to write some reflections for this blog.  Sharing experiences is great and it is a way of really learning how  these current challenges have impacted on you.  

Please feel free to get in touch and I'd love to share your thoughts and reflections as part of the blog. 


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